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Good by Powerpoint

Example (Raw Markdown)

<!-- $theme: gaia -->

# Introducing ==Gaia== theme

#### Marp's new slide theme

###### Created by [Yuki Hattori (@yhatt)](

<!-- *template: invert -->

> In Greek mythology, **Gaia** also spelled **Gaea**, was the personification of the Earth and one of the Greek primordial deities.
> <small>-- *[Gaia (mythology) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia](*</small>

<!-- page_number: true -->

# Overview

**Gaia** is the beautiful presentation theme on Marp!

- ==**New features**==
	1. Title Slides
	2. Highlight
	3. Color scheme


# How to use

#### From menu

Select menu: *View :arrow_right: Theme :arrow_right: Gaia*

#### Use directive

Set `gaia` theme by `$theme` Global Directive.


# Basic example 1

**Lorem ipsum** dolor *sit* amet, ***consectetur*** adipiscing elit, sed do `eiusmod` tempor ==incididunt== ut labore et dolore ~~magna aliqua~~. :smile:

> Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish. <small>_--Steve Jobs (2005)_</small>

- List A
	1. [Sub list](
	1. Sub list
		- _More Sub list_


# Basic example 2

|align to left|align to center|align to right|
|:arrow_left: left|:arrow_left: center :arrow_right:|right :arrow_right:

![70% center](../images/marp.png)

<!-- *template: gaia -->

## Introduce new features!!

# ==1.== Title Slides


# ==e.g.== This page :yum:


## ==Apply centering== to the page<br />that has only headings!

##### Useful to title slide. :laughing:


> **==Tips:==**
> Apply vertical centering to quote only page too.

<!-- *template: gaia -->

# ==2.== Highlight

## Highlight Markup

You can use `==` for ==highlighting blue==.

#### Notice

*Marp would show <span style="background-color:yellow;">yellow marker highlight</span> in Markdown view or default slide theme.*

<!-- *template: gaia -->

# ==3.== Color scheme templates
# ==Color== scheme templates

Change color scheme *by `template` page directive.*

- **Default** :arrow_left: This page
- Invert
- Gaia (Theme color)

<!-- *template: invert -->
# ==Color== scheme templates

Change color scheme *by `template` page directive.*

- Default
- **Invert** :arrow_left: This page
- Gaia (Theme color)

<!-- *template: gaia -->
# ==Color== scheme templates

Change color scheme *by `template` page directive.*

<!-- template: gaia -->

- Default
- Invert
- **Gaia** (Theme color) :arrow_left: This page

<!-- *template: invert -->

# Templates can use<br />to ==per pages==!

##### with using temporally page directive `<!-- *template: invert -->`

<!-- template: gaia -->

# ==That's all!==

## Let's create beautiful slides<br />with ==Marp== + ==Gaia== theme!


#### `<!-- $theme: gaia -->` of Marp

###### [![](../images/marp.png)](
