Setup Yubico and Scala (A Type Class End-to-end example JSON Serialization) | bearsworld


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Setup Yubico and Scala (A Type Class End-to-end example JSON Serialization)

28 Jan 2019 - friendbear

Setup YubiKey 5C

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  • RockScalaForAdvanced
    • A Type Class End-to-end example: JSON Serialization
      • Very difficulty. but Very Powerfull
    • Scala <> Java Conversions
      • collection.JavaConverters._
    • A Type Class Use Case / The Magnet Pattern

        trait HandleMagnet {
          def apply(): Unit
        def handle(magnet: HandleMagnet) = magnet()
        handle {
          println("Hello, Scala")

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#!/usr/bin/env amm
def JSONSerialization(args: String*) = {

    Users, posts, feeds
    Serialize to JSON
  case class User(name: String, age: Int, email: String)
  case class Post(content: String, createdAt: Date)
  case class Feed(user: User, posts: List[Post])

    1 - intermediate data types: Int, String, List, Date
    2 - type classes for conversion to intermediate data types
    3 - serialize to JSON
  sealed trait JSONValue { // intermediate data type
    def stringify: String

  final case class JSONString(value: String) extends JSONValue {
    def stringify: String = "\"" + value + "\""
  final case class JSONNumber(value: Int) extends JSONValue {
    def stringify: String = value.toString
  final case class JSONArray(values: List[JSONValue]) extends JSONValue {
    def stringify: String ="[", ",", "]")

  final case class JSONObject(values: Map[String, JSONValue]) extends JSONValue {
        name: "John"
        age: 22
        friends: [ ... ]
        latestPost: {
          content: "Scala Rocks"
          date: ...
    def stringify: String = {
      case (key, value) => "\"" + key + "\":" + value.stringify
    }.mkString("{", ",", "}")

  val test1 = {
    val data = JSONArray(
            "user" -> JSONString("Daniel"),
            "posts" -> JSONArray(List(
              JSONString("Scala Rocks!"),
            "user" -> JSONString("Daniel"),
            "posts" -> JSONArray(List(
              JSONString("Scala Rocks!"),

  // type class
    1 - type class
    2 - type class instances (implicit)
    3 - pimp library to use type class instances
  // call stringify on result
  // 2.1
  trait JSONConverter[T] {
    def convert(value: T): JSONValue
  // 2.2
  implicit object StringConverter extends JSONConverter[String] {
    def convert(value: String): JSONValue = JSONString(value)
  // 2.3 conversion
  implicit class JSONOpts[T](value: T) {
    def toJSON(implicit converter: JSONConverter[T]): JSONValue =

  implicit object NumberConverter extends JSONConverter[Int] {
    def convert(value: Int): JSONValue = JSONNumber(value)
  // custom data types
  implicit object UserConverter extends JSONConverter[User] {
    def convert(user: User): JSONValue = JSONObject(Map(
      "name" -> JSONString(,
      "age" -> JSONNumber(user.age),
      "email" -> JSONString(

  implicit object PostConverter extends JSONConverter[Post] {
    def convert(post: Post): JSONValue = JSONObject(Map(
      "content" -> JSONString(post.content),
      "createdAt:" -> JSONString(post.createdAt.toString)

  implicit object FeedConverter extends JSONConverter[Feed] {
    //def convert(feed: Feed): JSONValue = JSONObject(Map(
    //  "user" -> UserConverter.convert(feed.user),   // TODO
    //  "posts" -> JSONArray(   // TODO
    def convert(feed: Feed): JSONValue = JSONObject(Map(
      "user" -> feed.user.toJSON,
      "posts" -> JSONArray(

  val test2 = {
    val now = new Date(System.currentTimeMillis())
    val john = User("John", 34, "")
    val feed = Feed(john, List(
      Post("hello", now),
      Post("look at this cute puppy", now)


#!/usr/bin/env amm

import java.{util => ju}
def ScalaJavaConversions(args: String*) = {

  import collection.JavaConverters._

  val javaSet: ju.Set[Int] = new ju.HashSet[Int]()

  val test1 = {
    1 to 5 foreach javaSet.add

  val scalaSet = javaSet.asScala

    ju.List - scala.mutable.Buffer
    ju.Set - scala.mutable.Set
    ju.Map - scala.mutable.Map
  import collection.mutable._
  val numbersBuffer = ArrayBuffer[Int](1, 2, 3)
  val juNumbersBuffer = numbersBuffer.asJava

  val numbers = List(1, 2, 3)
  val juNumbers = numbers.asJava
  val backToScala = juNumbers.asScala

  val test2 = {
    println(juNumbersBuffer.asScala eq numbersBuffer)
    println(backToScala eq numbers) // false
    println(backToScala == numbers) // true
    create a Scala-Java Optional-Option
  class ToScala[T](value: => T) {
    def asScala: T = value
  implicit def asScalaOptional[T](o: ju.Optional[T]): ToScala[Option[T]] = new ToScala[Option[T]](
    if (o.isPresent) Some(o.get) else None

  val test3 ={
    val juOptional: ju.Optional[Int] = ju.Optional.of(2)
    val scalaOption = juOptional.asScala

A Type Class Use Case / The Magnet Pattern

#!/usr/bin/env amm

import scala.concurrent.Future
def MagnetPattern(args: String*) = {
  // MagnetPattern is method overloading
  class P2PRequest
  class P2PResponse
  class Serializer[T]
  trait Actor {
    def receive(statusCode: Int): Int
    def receive(request: P2PRequest): Int
    def receive(response: P2PResponse): Int
    def receive[T : Serializer](message: T): Int
    def receive[T : Serializer](message: T, statusCode: Int): Int
    def receive(future: Future[P2PRequest])
    // def receive(future: Future[P2PResponse]): Int => Generics type compile error
    // lots of overloads

  /* Troubles
    1 - type erasure
    2 - lifting doesn't work for all overloads

      val receiveFV = receive _ // ?!

    3 - code duplication
    4 - type interrence and default args


  // Magnet Pattern (Type Parameter) 🔴
  trait MessageMagnet[Result] {
    def apply(): Result

  def receive[R](magnet: MessageMagnet[R]): R = magnet.apply()

  implicit class FromP2PRequest(request: P2PRequest) extends MessageMagnet[Int] {
    def apply(): Int = {
      // logic for handling a P2P request
      println("Handling P2P request")
  implicit class FromP2PResponse(response: P2PResponse) extends MessageMagnet[Int] {
    def apply(): Int = {
      // logic for handling a P2P response
      println("Handling P2P response")
  // call a Magnet Pattern
  val test1 = {
    receive(new P2PRequest)
    receive(new P2PResponse)

  // 1 - no more type erasure problems!
  implicit class FromResponseFuture(future: Future[P2PResponse]) extends MessageMagnet[Int] {
    def apply(): Int = 2
  implicit class FromRequestFuture(future: Future[P2PRequest]) extends MessageMagnet[Int] {
    def apply(): Int = 3

  val test2 = {
    println(receive(Future(new P2PRequest)))
    println(receive(Future(new P2PResponse)))

  // 2 - lifting works
  trait MathLib {
    def add1(x: Int) = x + 1
    def add1(x: String) = x.toInt + 1
  // "magnetize"
  trait AddMagnet {
    def apply(): Int // concrete not Type Parameter 🔴
  def add1(magnet: AddMagnet): Int = magnet()

  implicit class AddInt(x: Int) extends AddMagnet {
    override def apply(): Int = x + 1
  implicit class AddString(s: String) extends AddMagnet {
    override def apply(): Int = s.toInt + 1

  val test3 = {
    val addFV = add1 _
    val receiveFV = receive _ // => MessageMagnet[Noting]

    1 - verbose
    2 - harder to read
    3 - you can't name or place default arguments
    4 - call by name  doesn't work correctly
    (exercise: prove it!) (hint; side effects
  class Hander {
    def handle(s: => String): Unit = {
  trait HandleMagnet {
    def apply(): Unit
  def handle(magnet: HandleMagnet) = magnet()

  implicit class StringHandle(s: => String) extends HandleMagnet {
    override def apply(): Unit = {

  def sideEffectMethod(): String = {
    println("Hello Scala")
  handle(sideEffectMethod()) // =>
  handle {
    println("Hello, Scala")


#!/usr/bin/env amm

def ImplicitOrdering(args: String*) = {